Did you get the chance to dance along the light of day?"
what's up world? my name's Daniel and i'm 18. i've been voted "most likely to be famous" and i couldn't agree more. i've been playing the drums since i was 6 years old, and i like to sing and act on the side. (so much for modesty). my friends think i'm very funny (so i've been told.) i'm a thrillseeker/ adrenaline junkie and i like to have fun. i also like to lead. i'm a rising football star, too. Everyone always says i could be a linebacker because of my shoulders, but i'm usually a wide reciever. i like to write and draw, and just be creative. my favorite bands are Fall Out Boy & Maroon 5. one last thing. i change for no one. what you see is what you get. that is all.