


Geschlecht Mann
Alter 46
Position/Rolle Bottom
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 184cm
Gewicht 85kg
Figur durchschnittlich
Sexualität schwul
Safer Sex niemals
Bart Designer Bartstoppeln
Typ Europäer
Herkunft Holland
Nationalität Niederländisch
Identität queer
Outing teilweise
Intimbehaarung rasiert
Behaarung rasiert
Penislänge 19cm
Penisdicke 5cm
Sternzeichen Krebs
Brille Nein
Tattoos Nein
Piercings keine
Behinderung Nein
Ich spreche Deutsch
Niederländisch Dutchdelight

Über mich

Ich suche


Dutch traveller open for ALL sorts of RAW play. All proposals accepted! Vanilla to extremely sleaxy.
Also host of total gangbangs! Want to be (ab)used as total cumslut. Wreck my hole.In hotelrooms or public places! Watch events for dates and locations
Want to recreate various pornscenes in these gangbangs! HMU if you can help or willing to attend.
(Ryan Cummings, 1000 loads gangbang etc) Open for loads with bugs. Don’t care about Status


Travelling power bottom cum dump, hosting regular wild no holds barred gang bangs on my ass in a public Places or hotelrooms. No entrance fees.

Lubed and spunked bubble butt up for use.I'll be blindfolded, tallying the loads on my ass with a marker and on form in room. Additionaly all extra’s in the Sperm (Bugs) might be tallied on other form as well after injection. Next one can see to which mixs he’s adding.
Cum and go - or stay for a while and load me a few times.other sleazy assplay welcome, but should allways end with fresh cum IN me! Very experienced at these, host them regularly over the in different cities and totally genuine.

I'm the only bottom taking loads at these, some bottoms are attending but they are coming to breed my super sloppy hole

Whenever u wanna arrive is cool. Happy for u to film fucking, so long as mine and other tops faces ain't in it.

Use me and breed my ass raw whilst Everyone is watching!

Auf findest du viele geile Kerle aus Köln und Umgebung. Auch bietet dir ein schönes schwules Forum
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat auf ein Thema in Gay Sex Forum geantwortet
  • 20.01.2019 10:22:46
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Wie denkt Ihr darüber, sich beim Sex filmen zu lassen??

Immer Geil, aber anonym bitte. Mann weisst nie wo die Bilder enden und mann weisst noch nicht wie Ihrem weiteres Leben ausseht.

icon-wio Dutchdelight hat seinen Profiltext aktualisiert.
  • 06.01.2019 8:28:17
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Dutch traveller open for ALL sorts of RAW play. All proposals accepted! Vanilla to extremely sleaxy.
Also host of total gangbangs! Want to be (ab)used as total cumslut. Wreck my hole.In hotelrooms or public places! Watch events for dates and locations
Want to recreate various pornscenes in these Mehr… gangbangs! HMU if you can help or willing to attend.
(Ryan Cummings, 1000 loads gangbang etc) Open for loads with bugs. Don’t care about Status
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat seine geheimen Wünsche aktualisiert
  • 06.01.2019 8:28:17
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Travelling power bottom cum dump, hosting regular wild no holds barred gang bangs on my ass in a public Places or hotelrooms. No entrance fees.

Lubed and spunked bubble butt up for use.I'll be blindfolded, tallying the loads on my ass with a marker and on form in room. Additionaly all extra’s in Mehr… the Sperm (Bugs) might be tallied on other form as well after injection. Next one can see to which mixs he’s adding.
Cum and go - or stay for a while and load me a few times.other sleazy assplay welcome, but should allways end with fresh cum IN me! Very experienced at these, host them regularly over the in different cities and totally genuine.

I'm the only bottom taking loads at these, some bottoms are attending but they are coming to breed my super sloppy hole

Whenever u wanna arrive is cool. Happy for u to film fucking, so long as mine and other tops faces ain't in it.

Use me and breed my ass raw whilst Everyone is watching!
icon-wio Dutchdelight ist mal wieder online, schicke doch einen Gruß
  • 05.01.2019 21:59:02
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat seine geheimen Wünsche aktualisiert
  • 01.12.2018 8:58:38
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Travelling power bottom cum dump, hosting regular wild no holds barred gang bangs on my ass in a public Places or hotelrooms. No entrance fees.

Lubed and spunked bubble butt up for use.I'll be blindfolded, tallying the loads on my ass with a marker and on form in room. Additionaly all extra’s in Mehr… the Sperm (Bugs) might be tallied on other form as well after injection. Next one can see to which mixs he’s adding.
Cum and go - or stay for a while and load me a few times.Very experienced at these, host them regularly over the in different cities and totally genuine.

I'm the only bottom taking loads at these, some bottoms are attending but they are coming to breed my super sloppy hole

Whenever u wanna arrive is cool. Happy for u to film fucking, so long as mine and other tops faces ain't in it.

Use me and breed my ass raw whilst Everyone is watching!
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat seinen Profiltext aktualisiert.
  • 01.12.2018 8:25:31
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Dutch traveller open for ALL sorts of RAW play. All proposals accepted! Vanilla to extremely sleaxy.
Also host of total gangbangs! Want to be used as total cumslut. In hotelrooms or public places! Watch events for dates and locations
Want to recreate various pornscenes in these gangbangs! HMU if Mehr… you can help or willing to attend.
(Ryan Cummings, 1000 loads gangbang etc) Open for loads with bugs. Don’t care about Status
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat seinen Profiltext aktualisiert.
  • 03.11.2018 9:50:32
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Dutch traveller looking to organise total gangbangs! Want to be used as total cumslut.
Want to recreate various pornscenes in these gangbangs! HMU if you can help or willing to attend.
(Ryan Cummings, 1000 loads gangbang etc) Open for loads with bugs.
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat seine geheimen Wünsche aktualisiert
  • 03.11.2018 9:50:32
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Travelling power bottom cum dump, hosting regular wild no holds barred gang bangs on my ass in a public Places or hotelrooms. No entrance fees.

Lubed and spunked bubble butt up for use.I'll be blindfolded, tallying the loads on my ass with a marker and on form in room. Additionaly all extra’s in Mehr… the Sperm (Bugs) might be tallied on other form as well after injection. Next one can see to which mixs he’s adding.
Cum and go - or stay for a while and load me a few times.Very experienced at these, host them regularly over the in different cities and totally genuine.

I'm the only bottom taking loads at these, some bottoms are attending but they are coming to breed my super sloppy hole

Whenever u wanna arrive is cool. Happy for u to film fucking, so long as mine and other tops faces ain't in it.

Use me and breed my ass raw whilst Everyone is watching ??

Next party: Novembsr 5th,Hotel nahe Hauptbahnhof, Munchen.
Check planet romeo: brgbs
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat eine VIP-Mitgliedschaft gekauft
  • 05.07.2018 9:57:32
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
icon-wio Dutchdelight hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 01.07.2018 23:40:38
  • Mann (46)
  • Köln
  • Single
Mittwoch, 11 Juli ab 16.30 bis mitternacht gibt es einer Gangbang treffen ins Hotel nahe Hauptbahnhof. Ein Niederlander die in Munich ist, kann dann von Jeder abgefickt und besahnt werden. Gleich wie die bekannte Ryan Cummings.
Tur offen, er mit Blindetuch am Bett. Jeder Spritzung sollte am seinem Mehr… Arsch markiert werden.
Auch kann er benutzt werden fur realisierung deiner Pornfantasie. Er steht fur vieles offen.
Der Hollander versucht einem Sahne Rekord zu erbrechen und nennt die Gangbang " Dutch Delights loads challenge"
Interesse auch zu kommen?
Sehe profil BRGBS am Planet fur mehr infos. Fotos auf Anfrage!
NUR DIESEN MITTWOCH. Ihrem Change so etwas mit zu machen.

Mitglieder aus der Region

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  • Liebchen50769


  • Baumpfleger


  • Hans01Cgny01


  • thenewbie
